

$.fn.flexbox.defaults = {
method: 'GET', // One of 'GET' or 'POST'
queryDelay: 100, // num of milliseconds before query is run.
allowInput: true, // set to false to disallow the user from typing in queries
containerClass: 'ffb',
contentClass: 'content',
selectClass: 'ffb-sel',
inputClass: 'ffb-input',
arrowClass: 'ffb-arrow',
matchClass: 'ffb-match',
noResultsText: 'No matching results', // text to show when no results match the query
noResultsClass: 'ffb-no-results', // class to apply to noResultsText
showResults: true, // whether to show results at all, or just typeahead
autoCompleteFirstMatch: true, // whether to complete and highlight the first matching value
highlightMatches: true, // whether all matches within the string should be highlighted with matchClass
highlightMatchesRegExModifier: 'i', // 'i' for case-insensitive, 'g' for global (all occurrences), or combine
minChars: 1, // the minimum number of characters the user must enter before a search is executed
showArrow: true, // set to false to simulate google suggest
arrowQuery: '', // the query to run when the arrow is clicked
onSelect: false, // function to run when a result is selected. this.getAttribute('hiddenValue') gets you the value of options.hiddenValue
maxCacheBytes: 32768, // in bytes, 0 means caching is disabled
resultTemplate: '{name}', // html template for each row (put json properties in curly braces)
displayValue: 'name', // json element whose value is displayed on select
hiddenValue: 'id', // json element whose value submitted when form is submitted
initialValue: '', // what should the value of the input field be when the form is loaded?
watermark: '', // text that appears when flexbox is loaded, if no initialValue is specified. style with css class '.ffb-input.watermark'
width: 200, // total width of flexbox. auto-adjusts based on showArrow value
resultsProperty: 'results', // json property in response that references array of results
totalProperty: 'total', // json property in response that references the total results (for paging)
maxVisibleRows: 0, // default is 0, which means it is ignored. use either this, or paging.pageSize
paging: {
style: 'input', // or 'links'
cssClass: 'paging', // prefix with containerClass (e.g. .ffb .paging)
pageSize: 10, // acts as a threshold. if <= pageSize results, paging doesn't appear
maxPageLinks: 5, // used only if style is 'links'
showSummary: true, // whether to show 'displaying 1-10 of 200 results' text
summaryClass: 'summary', // class for 'displaying 1-10 of 200 results', prefix with containerClass
summaryTemplate: 'Displaying {start}-{end} of {total} results' // can use {page} and {pages} as well
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